Sadhguru - Being Lost is a Great Privilege

2 years ago


Being lost is a great privilege. It is a privilege to be able to see what is hidden and what is unknown. If you are lost, you are in the middle of something. There are no boundaries on your journey, no limitations on what you can learn or how far you can go. Being lost means that you have the ability to discover something new every single moment of your life, every day.

But sometimes we get so caught up in our lives that we forget how important it is to be lost in order to find ourselves again.

When we go through life without letting go of our attachments and inhibitions, we lose sight of who we really are—the unbound spirit within us that knows no boundaries or limitations. We lose sight of our true nature, which makes us extremely unhappy because then there's nothing left for us except fear and anxiety about the future (which brings more attachment).

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