cats with ear tufts and ear furnishings

2 years ago

#الملكه_اليزابيث #Queen #Balmoral #BillsMafia
The American Curl cat has unique ears that curl back, offering a cute helping of both ear tufts and ear furnishings. This is a young cat breed that is moderately active, affectionate toward family, and smart.

Birman cats with ear tufts and cat ear furnishings
© Thomas Günther / CC-BY-SA-4.0
It’s said that Birman cats were sacred companions to the temple priests in ancient Burma, which means they were showing off their impressive ear furnishings to royalty! Birmans are docile, playful, and low-maintenance.

Highlander cats with ear tufts and cat ear furnishings
© TAnthony / CC-BY-SA-4.0
The Highlander with his peculiar, furnished curled ears is a cross between a Desert Lynx and the Jungle Curl. This breed loves to play (even in water!) and is very energetic. They can even be trained.

LaPerm cats with ear tufts and cat ear furnishings
© KRL LPL / CC-BY-SA-4.0
Along with her unusual, curly rex coat, the LaPerm cat showcases some impressive curly ear furnishings. The LaPerm is the result of a spontaneous mutation in an otherwise normal litter of barn kittens.

Maine Coon
Maine Coon cats with ear tufts and cat ear furnishings
The Maine Coon most impressively sports ear tufts and ear furnishings. This cat breed is one of the largest and most popular in the world. The Maine Coon is generally good-natured and adaptable.

Nebelung cats with ear tufts and cat ear furnishings

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