Lead FauxLitical Reporter at FauxLitico actually listened...RESPECT!!!

2 years ago

In this episode, Ivan E. Raiklin is approached by DC's leading fauxlitical information purveyor, that is consumed by Washington's Federal Fauxlitical Class. The one that published the memo of 60 former intelligence officers stating that the Hunter Biden Laptop story had all the earmarks of a russian disinformation campaign. So why should I trust anything coming out of this gentleman's mouth. I will say that I respect him for sticking around and at least engaging and listening to what I had to say and that he was aware of some of my work. So, on a personal level, respect. On a professional level, sir, I suggest you demand that your organization profusely apologize for the lies you were duped into by publishing that letter. And then reimburse those negatively impacted by hour fake stories as a sign of good gesture. Absent that, you have lost the trust of the American people and by extention, myself..that is, in your professional capacity by your association with FauxLitico.

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