The Raw Deal (7 September 2022) with Mike Sledge

2 years ago

I began with a poll showing that 58% of general election voters view Biden's recent "dark speech" as unacceptable, where 35% (which is about where his popularity stands) took it as within the bounds of normal political discourse. Many reporters have been enraged that the White House characterized it (in advance) as "non-political", when it was completely and egregiously "political"--perhaps the most vicious and excessive in our nation's history. Mike had several comments about this but had trouble with his connection and it was only after the break that he began to lay out his views on a wide range of issues, including the recent Alex Jones' trial, which he believes was a show trial set up to undermine my Petition before the US Supreme Court. It was quite a fascinating discussion, where I explained that Justice Barrett had just denied an appeal to stay an order to take (of my blog and my book) until after SCOTUS rules on my petition, where it will be in conference on 28 September (just a few weeks hence) and I will know whether it will be heard by the full court on 3 October. Since the taking appears to have been unlawful, I supposed it would not be a tough call, but she denied it anyway. Calls from John, Brian, and Paul were welcome and included further discussion of Mike's view that even the Constitution of the United States is unlawful and that the Articles of Confederation would be a preferable foundation for these United States, with which several callers agreed. Most interesting exchange.

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