Money & Politics In Environmentalism: The "Green" 💵💰 In Being Green Episode 2

2 years ago

Come along on this journey of the fight against two massive "wetlands restoration" projects that are being driven by big money and politics and represent everything wrong with the current global environmentalism and climate change push. These two projects are being watched by the world, and coastal restoration/protection has become the "goose that laid the golden egg."

Large national environmental groups, in conjunction with the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, continue to push a false public narrative to continue public support for two massive Mississippi River Diversion projects. Science says these projects - at a cost of about $4 Billion - will destroy the two largest producing estuaries in the world, cause extinction of one of the largest dolphin populations in the United States, end over 25% of the entire US domestic seafood production, economically cripple human communities and destroy a culture on the Gulf Coast region's working coast. Despite the science being clear, these agencies continue tactics to drive these projects forward and have so far managed to spend $150 Million of Louisiana taxpayer money on consultants and other contracts before the projects have even received federal approval for any permits.

Join us and be a part of our battle to prevent this economic and environmental disaster as we host interactive discussions on the politics, money and tactics being used for these projects - THEY ARE TRULY A MICROCOSM OF WHAT AWAITS ON A GLOBAL SCALE.

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