UN Condemns Business As Usual Approach To Climate Change, 'Pure Suicide'

2 years ago

Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres says that dealing with climate change with a business-as-usual approach is pure suicide; he mentions after referring to climate change as a war where mother nature is fighting back as we have seen major natural disasters like the ones in Pakistan. The Majority Report crew discusses how climate change effects are most severe in nations most exploited by capitalism and those at a disadvantage with resources. The MR crew also talk about the surge in clean energy projects after the passing of the Climate Bill.

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We could do our show every day about the urgency of this crisis and we don't just like everybody. I think we just- I mean that is it's almost like the human brain does not have the capacity to forefront something like this that is so massive and so urgent it's just in the background and so we just keep it in the background and but that's the reality and it could happen anywhere as he says but we know that in certain areas it's going to be felt most acutely. Particularly the global south because a lot of the effects of climate change are going to be felt on lines of power and colonialism because these areas just don't have the resources and ability to combat it in the way the United States does and that's not to say that you know people in this country are facing mass the effects of climate change as well but it's just going to be much more difficult to combat in areas that have been traditionally exploited, and much more difficult to adapt to...

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