Where are our Navy Seals that "laid down their lives" and went into witness protection . . .

2 years ago

Could "John Galt" really be trusted? God has a bigger purpose for us!!!

Where are my brothers from Extortion 17 (Q) and all the other Navy Seals that went into Witness Protection? Many of us were led to believe that they went into WP to help expose and reveal the evil in this world? I fear for their safety after realizing that I am a targeted individual by people presenting themselves as "good and of the Light but are actually fake." That together with my brothers and sisters we have a much bigger purpose on this Earth helping humanity. The only disadvantage for us is that these Elites know more about each of us than we do; and have used Black Magic etc. against us since we were small children in order to utilize our spiritual gifts for their advantage.

This is a huge military operation, and all evil is being exposed. I do believe that each and every one of us are being monitored and watched by "Big Brother" as we live in an Orwellian time. Only those of honesty and integrity will help to rebuild this country and others. Every hack, every keystroke, every monetary transaction, every text message and every phone call has been monitored. My brothers and sisters gave up their families and everything while "elites" had their families with them all along ... being deceitful about who and what they are.

It appears that corruption runs way up and into high places ... but as they say ... all the truth will be revealed. And we all know that POTUS said he was draining the swamp . . . we have so many swamp monster in the US and soon they will all be gone, and then we can make this country as God intended from the beginning. Where all children are safe and evil no longer exists . . . Not only "One Nation Under God" but how about ONE WORLD UNDER GOD!!!

Please help me get this to all the families that lost loved ones in Extortion 17, Benghazi, Patrick Tillman's family, Chris Kyle's family .... we need to demand answers from the powers that be.

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