Fake Kidnapping is the New Game Modern Women are Running to Avoid Accountability!

2 years ago

Two kidnapping plots, following similar scenarios have happened recently. One 30-year-old woman sent a video to her mother in an attempt to fleece an additional $45,000, on top of the $50,000 she and her hookup had acquired on three recent occasions. Unbelievable.

A 27-year-old American woman flew to New Delhi to shack up with a Nigerian national she met online. When she ran out of money and time on her visa, instead of coming clean, she cried kidnapping in order to get a bit more money, to keep their booking at the Radisson.

The lengths women will go to to avoid being accountable to their actions never ceases to be amazing.

Daily Beast 1: https://www.thedailybeast.com/police-arrest-woman-who-faked-her-own-kidnapping-to-extort-her-momfor-the-fourth-time?ref=scroll
DB2: https://www.thedailybeast.com/american-woman-faked-kidnapping-to-bleed-parents-for-cash-say-cops

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#Kidnapping #Fake #WomenLying

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