Poison deleted recovery

2 years ago

Poison deleted recovery. This was I think the start of last month before or a little before that and before I realized the shit was starting again and was looking for logical explanations. I have just a few days ago bought one bag of chicken quarters after I waited all month to see If I had money for food, and i cook it on the opposite side of the stove from those poison gifts and I keep the lid always closed. Have not had chicken for a few months I think till now. I had deleted this, I just recovered it. Last month I would not have had the sense to do that. I put those in one of the poison bags, the 2 by my bed on my computer stand were larger and a little darker, same gel like glisteny shit though. I would have had more money for food if I did not have to buy tape and shit for survival. I have discovered literally a killer weight loss plan that I recommend to NO fucking body.

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