3 foot Red Dragon mouse pad

3 years ago

3 foot Red Dragon mouse pad with some poison on it, I reckon the keyboard is not as bad as I thought after I cleaned it 3 times with boiling water, at least I learned hot to take out keyboard keys. Damn, staring me right in the face, and I thought for a while the keyboard didn't clean good enough. Oh, did I mention whatever this shit is it makes you stupid, yeah. And it kills pain to some degree as well, I do not think I have mentioned that before on a posted video. When away from it, like when I got my truck inspected yesterday [yeah, I changed locks with ones that did not come here by mail, was trapped for quite a while here] back pain[kidneys, liver I think] was replaced by real back pain, like from an injury I had as a kid from calcium deficiency in a different spot.

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