I still feel it, but better

2 years ago

I still feel it, but better. So you know if I die of a stroke or heart attack that it would be bullshit!
So far every tool I have looked at in my tool boxes has poison on em, remember, this shit eats metal. Am cleaning one of my brand new never used hammers, was stuck to the floorboard rubber of the toolbox. My letter and number punches, used once to put my initials on my silver spoon look like still looked ok at first glance, but were sticky, caused the taste and rapid heartbeat, and after cleaning with hot water and then wd40 look like they are 50 years old. All screwdrivers covered in poison as well, all were stuck to the bottoms of the toolboxes and each other. Cleaning the hammer, totally got a shot of the damn poison in me cuz I have no gloves. The gloves I had were punctured at the finger tips.

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