You are where you are meant to be

2 years ago

I was in London 9 years ago cursing the fact that I had to be where I didn’t want to be ….. I was walking around Regent’s Park trying to figure out how I could ended up in a polluted, noisy, extreme capitalistic city after spending such a wonderful time in a spiritual, clean and green country like New Zealand, I couldn’t believe that I could have fucked up so much my life, I could have had everything I wanted but I couldn’t learn my lessons so that I had to leave and come to U.K. so depressed and sad walking looking straight ahead I saw this Man/Woman I can’t remember with a huge sentence written on the shirt, a sentence I couldn’t miss ….. YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE MEANT TO BE !!!

At the time I saw it as message from God/Universe/Myself to myself to remind me that I was where I was supposed to be ….. 9 years later I am now sure that I was, I learned more in those 9 years between London and Edinburgh than the previous 34 years, obviously that 34 years was preparing me for those 9 years.

We can’t be sure about anything in life so the above story but I can’t deny that I changed and living in U.K. the best school to improve and evolve and again as many other times I learned most when struggling and suffering, I don’t like but seems like to be the only school for me.

In the end I would like to say that even if I can’t prove it but I strongly feel that …. WE ARE WHERE WE ARE MEANT TO BE !!!

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