2 years ago

The oath of office. Most of the oaths end with some terminology of defending our constitution. What once was a sacred promise has now withered to an empty intention repeated and demeaned to a silly hackneyed oath by most who place their hands on the Bible; That’s if they choose to place their hands on the Bible. These same people are now requested, challenged, and appointed to seek out citizens to determine whether they are a domestic threat, better yet, A domestic terrorist. Citizens speaking their truth under the protection of the first amendment, as well as their right to defend their lives, protected by the 2nd amendment, are no longer in safe hands by the constitution and the office holders who swore to defend it. Joining us is CEO of Liberty Sentinel, Alex Newman to discuss what role the three letter agencies like the IRS will be playing under the new legislation being passed on Sunday evenings when Americans are distracted with winding down their weekend. We will also be hearing from constitutional attorney, Dr. Joe Wolverton on what our forefathers would be doing if they saw the state of the union of America today. So, grab a copy of the Declaration of Independence and let’s take a trip down memory lane in the upside down world of who has become, the American terrorist.

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