Never fuck with a man's [or woman's] guitar. NEVER!!!

3 years ago

Poison situation 2-24-2022, and when I was trying to go live my heart was going probably over 200 bpm. Was very frustrating thinking I could stroke out at any second and my live videos were being blocked. Never fuck with a man's [or woman's] guitar. NEVER!!!

And the stuff I didn't film, cuz while fighting the effects while cleaning it off filming really does not enter your mind. The stuff by the bed on my top computer desk drawer looked like the chunks of gel stuff on the salt shakers n stuff in an earlier video.
I certainly hope the poison crap they put in my computer does not destroy my motherboard or my AMD Ryzen 9 3900x 12 core processor [24 CPUs 3.8 GH z] because it has many copper components.

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