A Treatment For The Common Cold-19/Covid-19 Injection Poison, A Detox & Fasting Good Health.

2 years ago

A Treatment For The Common Cold-19/Covid-19 Injection Poison, A Detox & Fasting Good Health Restorer.

You can dry and (Reuse) the leaves 5 times.
Pine Needles, Neem Leaves, Rosemary, and Cloves Tea;
Fights Colds, Chest Infections, & Detoxify; The Brain & Body.
Colds and chest infections;
Boil Pine Needles, Neem Leaves, Rosemary, and Cloves as a Tea without sugar, DO NOT ADD SUGAR when detoxify the brain & body.
For the Common Cold-19 Injection Poisoning;
You will need help, DO NOT start or do this treatment alone, 1# Drink 1L of the Tea (3) times a day for (7) days, 2# Make tea with carbon filtered water (NOT bottle water), 3# DO NOT add sugar, and DO NOT eat or drink anything else. This is a (7) days detox treatment, everyday you must go to the toilet.
LA. Durante

1. Helps your body fight “Asthma”.
2. Helps your body fight Chest Infections.
3. Cures Motion Sickness.
4. Parasite Cleanser; internal parasite & skin parasites.
5. Detoxify; the brain & body.
6. Obesity; it detoxify your body.
7. Addiction; it detoxify your brain & body.
8. Normalize Blood Pressure.
9. Improve Genital blood flow.
10. Reduce and clear up Acne.
11. Straighten Teeth reduce plaque and pain.
12. Eye treatment, along with eye exercises.
LA. Durante

For the Common Cold-19 Injection Poisoning;
1# You will need help, DO NOT start or do this treatment (alone or if you need drugs), this is a DETOX and FASTING good health restorer.
2# If you are drug dependent (any drug), you would need to drink the Tea 2 times a day with (3 meals a day) far 14 days, if you still need the drug everyday, you would have to do another 14 days, if you need the drugs 1 to 3 times a week you can start.
3# Drink 1L of the Tea (3 times a day) for (7 days), boil (Pine Needles, Neem Leaves, Rosemary, and 2 Cloves) Tea without sugar.
4# Make tea with carbon filtered water (NOT bottle water).
5# DO NOT add sugar, and DO NOT eat or drink anything else, this is a (7 days) detox treatment, everyday you must go to the toilet and get rid of the waste/poison in you.
6# On the (7th day), leave five types of beans in a container with clean water and another container rice, leave for 9 hours, the (8th day) cook with meat, (eat slowly and 3 time a day), drink with natural home made fruit juices made from fruit, drink 600mL of Tea before bed.
LA. Durante

Insecticide, A Safe Natural Insecticide; Boil Pine, Neem, Rosemary, & Cloves, use it in a spray bottle or the bath.
Candles; Add Pine, Neem, Rosemary, & Clove oil to candle wax
High in Antioxidant, Vitamins & Minerals. It's not a stimulant or addictive, 98% of people, eat them everyday in food, Herbal Tea leaves can be reused three times, and five times, if used as a drink.
There is one side-affects (the small of pork-fat will make some people nauseous). This product will dry your skin for the first time, when using as a tea bath, just add some drops of caster oil or coconut oil.
For “Asthma”, your body is fighting an infection already, so, strong perfumes and pesticides will make it worse, mucus is not an illness, it’s a bag with garbage.
No unnatural, poisonous, or waste products should be added, just safe to use leaves from trees and plants.
LA. Durante

Think about it, research it, test it, and (Share It) tell the world, in these times of governments and companies poisoning people, (DO NOT) buy this product ready package, from the “people” connected with the poison injections, or “people” looking too make quick money.
Now, too the “people” I ask to help with this Tea/Detox treatment, and Freemasons/ the poisoners, if I see or hear you are trying or making money off this Tea/Detox treatment in anyway, know this, I will not follow any laws that protects my enemy or murderers/poisoners, you will need your god or gods too protect you from me.
LA. Durante

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