Newt – Don’t Believe The Suppression Polls!!! 3920

2 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Finally, after pointing out the fact that suppression polls that always favor Democrats are in widespread usage starting - at the latest - every August before a nationwide election for at least the last decade.

Why? What good are they? The idea is to by manipulating what’s called the “skews” deep within the polls results, those who run these polls can make them come out any way they want and still have an argument that their methodology is entirely legitimate. But their result is not. They are fudging their numbers to favor Democrats.

Why do they take these chances of being exposed as totally illegitimate representations of the true way populations are going to vote on any candidate or issue? Because they never get caught. There is no downside. They can cheat as much as they want and the media will always turn a blind eye to any sort of post-election analysis calling out the cheaters. Cheating literally cannot exist in any form in our electoral system as far as the MSM, the Justice Dept. and the FBI are concerned. Doesn’t happen. Don’t bother calling in.

There are two general benefits from this type of election cheating. Number one is suppression polls in August tend to suppress election donations and election volunteering in September thru election day in November. Not everyone believes at this point that these polls are legit, but still a broad swath of the U.S. population does – because their flavor of the MSM tells them every day until the election that they very important and so therefore must be an accurate reflection of voter sentiment, when they are not.

The second benefit is that suppression polling tends to support the election results where heavy manipulation by internet-connect voting machines is expected. For example, if several suppression polls agree from September to election day that Donald Trump will only win 45% of the vote in a certain state, then despite the fact that Trump may actually get 55% of the vote, once it goes through the voting machine manipulation process, as well as the mail-in ballot manipulation process, it’s pretty easy to have the Trump outcome only hit the 45% number and only small percentage of the public will become alarmed. And if nothing is done about these manipulative vote suppression tactics, there is zero incentive to cease and desist the practice.

So vote manipulation absolutely needs suppression polls to prevent the public from becoming aware of the scope of the scam, and gives the DOJ and FBI no reason to even open up any serious investigation of the tactics.

I did stories on suppression polls in the runup to the 2016 and 2020 elections, and that grew my YouTube subscriber base by thousands, thereby making me a prime target for exclusion from the big tech social media sites – primarily YouTube.

So as I watched this year when Trump only leads Biden by 4 or 5 points, I thought to myself, in whose world could it even be close? Biden is the antichrist of American politics. Nothing he says is right in the eyes of the average freedom-loving American – nothing!

But finally, there is some support for this line of thinking. Yesterday, Hannity interviewed Newt Gingrich, and Newt, though obviously aging, still effectively slammed the idea of suppression polls starting in August of every election year.


You notice that Hannity in his summation ignored the breathtaking analysis my Newt on the importance of suppression polling. Oh well.

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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