Melania Trump gives tour of White House Christmas decor. 2018

2 years ago

Melania Trump gives tour of White House Christmas decor. 2018
SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!! Melania is SOO LiT, the Tree and decorations are jealous!!!!! MEOOOOOOWR!!!!! REOOOOOOWR!!!!!

SPOILER!!!!!!! The Decorations are... UHHHHMAZIN'.... Ever who did those, they gotz skillz!!!!! 'sings' I got mad skills, I will get wild. lol SSX Tricky in duh house!!!!!

#RudolphTheRedNosedReindeer ;)
#NASAisFake 'points up to the HashTag above this one' lol
#EverythingElseTheMediaTellsYouIsFakeSoWhyInHeavensNameWouldGLOBEARTHbeAnyDifferent Hmmmmmmmmm.....? Thought So. NASA and Disney are in Cahoots to fake space and the moon landing. Never cared for Disney movies or characters, BOOOOOOOORING!!!! Studio Ghibli, thankfully is from JAPAN, first. WOOT!!!!! WOOT!!!!

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