Synchronicity Meaningful Patterns in Life Divine Guidance & Messages with Professor Mary Fong , 106

2 years ago

Bio: Mary Fong

Mary Fong is an emeritus professor at California State University, San Bernardino.
She graduated from the U. of Washington w/ a Ph.D specializing in Cultural and Intercultural Communications. In the last 10 years, she has developed a passion studying and researching on Spirituality developing three Communication Studies courses: Communicating Compassion & Love, Personal Growth, and Dying & Afterlife Communications. She will release her Intercultural and Spiritual Communication courses online to the public in a couple of years.

Mary Fong's books :
Two Heart Nuts To Crack! (A Magnificent Mess! Book 1) Kindle Edition :
A Beautiful Blueprint (A Magnificent Mess! Book 2) Kindle Edition :

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