The Politics of Firearms

2 years ago

ATT Meeting Confirms Worst Fears for International Gun Control

Amidst ongoing wars in Ukraine and Yemen, China posturing in the Taiwan Strait, and increasing instability in the Horn of Africa, the 111 States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) met last month for their 8th Conference of States Parties to the ATT in Geneva, Switzerland.

With widespread reports of conventional arms shipments into these conflict zones being diverted to the black market and fueling violations of international human rights and humanitarian laws, one would have thought that proponents of the ATT would have been salivating at the chance to highlight and discuss the ways in which the ATT could be used to combat such crimes. That, however, was not the case.

Gun Controllers: Ban Firearms for “Radicals” (and Designate Political Opposition Under that Category)

On Aug. 24, New York’s Democrat governor Kathy Hochul gave a speech about how the Empire State is combatting what she repeatedly referred to as “gun violence.” Among other things, her remarks suggested that the state will begin using political and ideological litmus tests to determine who is a “suitable person” to own or carry a firearm.

There are two main methods gun control advocates use to advance their agenda, which ultimately would ban firearm ownership for anyone but those who protect the gun control advocates themselves or who prop up their regimes as police, soldiers, security guards, etc.

Gun Control Groups Target Firearm-Related Speech, Again

Gun control advocates have renewed a longstanding plan to have the Federal Trade Commission (which regulates commercial speech) punish firearms manufacturers for how they advertise firearms. A petition filed with the FTC by several large firearm prohibition organizations claims that any suggestion firearms provide protection to their owners or make their homes safer is tantamount to false advertising. The petition also suggests that the use of patriotic, militaristic, or macho images and languages in firearm advertising – the same themes used to sell everything from beer to vehicles to sun glasses – is deliberately being used to appeal to insurrectionists and mass shooters.

Will Biden Administration Back UN Gun Control Scheme?

The United Nations was created to help maintain peace and stability, but in recent years critics of the organization have argued that it often engages in considerable overreach in its efforts. This is especially true in how certain aspects of its efforts to reduce conflict around the globe could violate the rights of American citizens. This is most evident in the Second Amendment and the UN’s attempts to regulate the sale of firearms.

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