When Will Markets' Stampede End?

2 years ago

(9/7/22) Markets always operate in either a buying- or selling-stampede, where prices rise incessantly for a period, and then seem to be in a sell-off mode forever; investors are always asking, 'when will it stop?' Example: The July lows that led to the August highs. The current selling stampede has been running for 13-days. To keep this in perspective, we're still above July's lows...there is a risk of re-testing those lows, certainly, given where we are in the markets and the Fed's series of rate adjustments. That doesn't, however, mean that markets would go straight-down; markets do also get exhausted, and these selling stampedes eventually exhaust sellers. Here are indicators we look at to determine when this is could occur.
Hosted by RIA Advisors' Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, CIO
Produced by Brent Clanton
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