David Barton Unveils The Truth About Thomas Jefferson - #15

2 years ago

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In the last decades, there's been an organized effort to eliminate any narratives that speak favorably of American History and our Founding Fathers.

Perhaps the best example is Thomas Jefferson - a once-beloved founding father turned criminal by left-wing academics and activists. These alleged crimes include infidelity and a relationship with a 14-year-old slave. But is there actual evidence to support these claims?

David Barton is an evangelical Christian political activist, author, and founder of Wallbuilders (wallbuilders.com). Today, David joins Matt to discuss his book 'The Jefferson Lies,' slavery and racism in America's founding era, and Jefferson's views on Christianity and the separation of church and state. Tune in to learn more!

David also debunks some myths surrounding Thomas Jefferson and explains the problem with the evidence put forward by Jefferson's detractors.

Key Takeaways

- The truth about Thomas Jefferson (00:00)
- What happened after David published 'The Jefferson Lies' (03:43)
- Thomas Jefferson's views on slavery (12:48)
- The problem with how college students learn American History (21:22)
- What did Jefferson think about the separation of church and state? (27:39)
- Debunking Jefferson's most famous myth (39:39)
- Why our current education system is failing (46:46)

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- Learn more about the Irresistible Revolution: https://matthewlohmeier.com/irresistible-revolution

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