10 Unusual, Little-known Facts About the Human Brain #brain #humanbrain #humanbrainfacts

2 years ago

10 Unusual, Little-known Facts About the Human Brain

#brain #humanbrain #humanbrainfacts

10 Unusual, Little-known Facts About the Human Brain
10. The Brain Runs Hot

According to research, the human brain, like mechanical devices, heats up while it works, reaching 104°F (40°C) as opposed to the rest of the body's 96.8°F (37°C). Although such a temperature indicates that the brain is in good health, atypical heat signatures may suggest "brain injury or a problem."

9. Particulates May Damage the Brain

According to an online article, researchers discovered that inhaled ultra-fine harmful air pollution particles can migrate from the lungs into the bloodstream, infiltrate the brain, and become entrenched in its tissue, where they can linger "longer than in any other organ."

8. Some Brains Cannot “Read” Faces

Face blindness, also known as prosopagnosia, is a neurological disease that causes an inability to identify recognized faces. Although persons suffering from the illness are aware that they are seeing a face, they are unable to determine whose face they are seeing, even if the face is that of a family member or oneself.

7. The Brain Can Be “Rewired”

Is it possible to rewire the brain? The answer appears to be perhaps. Psilocybin mushrooms could be used to treat serious depressive illnesses, which frequently reject conventional medical treatment. Indeed, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States considers psilocybin to be a possible breakthrough medicine.

6. Modern Life Changes the Brain

The stress and expectations of modern life can be damaging to the prefrontal cortex of the brain, resulting in "frontal fatigue," a condition that makes people more vulnerable to mental problems. One doctor recommends a three-step treatment strategy for lowering stress and regaining life balance.

5. The Brain Compresses Data

In order to work efficiently, the human brain dismisses extraneous material and focuses solely on information relevant to the task at hand. Neuroscientists believe that the brain uses tunnel vision to optimize performance while lowering costs through data reduction.

4. Einstein’s Brain Had Some Unusual Features

Postmortem photographs and tissue samples of Albert Einstein's brain, as well as autopsy results, revealed not only typical but also several unusual features.

3. A Few Animals’ Brain Cells Are Similar (Somewhat) to Our Own

The von Economo neuron is unmistakable. It's huge and distinctive in appearance, named for anatomist Constantin von Economo, and it's found in both human and animal brains. Well, mostly in the brains of larger animals like great apes, whales, dolphins, cows, and elephants.

2. The Brain Loves a Surprise

Humans are hardwired to find pleasure in unexpected situations, according to MRI scans of the human brain. Surprises, in particular, evoke powerful responses from the nucleus accumbens, also known as the "pleasure center of the brain."

1. The Brain Reacts to Horror Movies

Perhaps unsurprisingly, neuroimaging demonstrates that the brain reacts to horror films, particularly when such films build up to the stunning or horrible occurrence rather than shocking the audience with a jump scare.

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