#19. Biospheric Social Economic System as an Object of Governance | Mikhail Velichko

2 years ago

19th video in course "Educational Project: NOOSPHERE" by Mikhail Velichko

0:26 ― Today's lecture continues the theme of the functioning of the social institutions in the life of society
3:26 ― Question on the Structure of State Power
4:43 ― The political culture of the United States gives a different understanding of the question
9:23 ― Different Definitions of "State"
13:50 ― If we are talking about governance, then it all starts with recalling the Entire Function of Governance
19:24 ― Illustration of the Sufficiently General Theory of Governance
23:37 ― Coat of Arms of Ancient Egypt during the time of the Pharaohs
24:28 ― Structure of Governance in Ancient Egypt
34:18 ― It’s not the schemes that work, however, but people ― who are part of certain state bodies, and this picture is present in fact in many business schools
40:03 ― Types of Statehood known to History
40:53 ― The Role of Unformalized Connections
42:03 ― Constitutional Monarchies
43:25 ― Republics
43:57 ― Parliamentary Republics
48:03 ― It is not clear who and how implements the conception of governance, if one considers it, forgetting about this...
49:58 ― Now let's turn to what Soviet power is
54:32 ― Ideative Mafias

For Answers to the questions:
See the video: https://youtu.be/3ORQ062aWuU

What is ZHRETSHOOD?: https://youtu.be/MxxIr_Z8kP0

For an overview of the Conception of Social Safety: https://youtu.be/S8JshcVXG3s

#velichko #noosphere #statehood

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