Tonni's Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Therapy Testimonial

3 years ago
510 (833) 445-9089
Hey, this is Josh dream buddy clinic. And I'm here with one of our returning patients, Tonni. She was here about a year ago and she came to us because of multiple sclerosis.
What's going on now and kind of some updates. Well, whenever I came last year, The nebulized treatment and then also the IB treatment. I wanted you to do something that I think go somewhere else from, you know, so that's what we started something a little bit less invasive and, and just do it that way. Um, my hope last year was if nothing else, a little bit better I have for us is that I deal a lot with fishy.
Um, that's my, that's my biggest thing that really gets in the way of a normal life, I would say. Um, and then other things, you know, Mean that I deal with, um, muscle weakness
involvement. So that's what I was dealing with. And I was just looking for some improvements. Um, I wasn't expecting one, uh, treatment for everything to go away and I would say, so I had my treatment last September. And the biggest thing that I noticed with around the hustle and bustle of. Just how rested I was able to.
Um, and I knew I knew something was different. And so I would say an overall jump immediately. What I saw was little tiny increments of better, and that never changed. Uh, it's just been a very, very slow improvement. I feel right. Like it just continued over the last year. It did take a few months for me to start meditating something probably about bruh.
And, you know, just like with everyday stresses of life, you know, things are busy. You don't get enough sleep. I have two little girls that, you know, that, that adds. Stress of everything. And, um, just in general, I would say that I, I just adults that that's awesome. And then today, this week, the last couple of days we've gone.
Next step, we did another video of a million ID. We've done some more nebulized sessions and everything. This time was this time. We decided to do the intro with the boat, which is where we think you're going to see the biggest improvements seen with past patients. The brain stops. That makes so much sense.
I mean, that's where the Ms. Patients, I have lesions from the Ms. And so that's what my hope this year is, is see, screen changes, positive changes in iMRI this next, whenever I take it next to them, which will be about nine months from now.
I'm so hopeful. The based on what I did last year and the improvements that I could, I was like, it was just able to do things. And now along with that, because I did that along with that, you know, hopefully we'll have right there straight to break this Christmas
ready for too much energy. Well, thanks so much potty. We can't wait to hear the updates and see all that. I'm really very wonderful services you guys provide down here and it's a beautiful place to be able to have. I feel like it's kind of a forced vacation for us to come down here and then also give them, yeah, we always joke.
It's like affordable. Why you down here? And we're actually at the hotel here. I can see, not at the clinic and this is one of the hotels right there, amazing place. So if you want to come down, do a wellness vacation, something like that. Get ahold of us. It's Or give us a call anytime toll free at (833) 445-9089.

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