21st Year Anniversary - 9.11.2022 "Lest we Forget"

2 years ago

Controlled demolition of both towers into their own footprint by Zionist Israel and Washington DC.

Ushered in a Financial New World Order and their Fabricated "War on Terror":

"Justification to invade other countries and plunder" USA,Zionists

Human sacrifice of souls to the beast man Barack Hussein Obama.
Baal worship.

Movies Knowing 2009. Nic Cage. Humanity Bureau 2030.

Barack Hussein Obama born 4th August 1961

The 216th Day of the year = 6x6x6 = Wikipedia Number 216

Revelation 13:18 King James Bible = 666

North and South "2 Towers on 16 Acres" (216) NYC

Barack Obama born = 8.4.61 - 216

Maths: 804 + 19 + 61 + 21 + 6 = 911

Obama's Political career begins officially:"

Chicago Illinois Senator 408 Weeks (48) (Date To Date)

10.Jan.1997 - 4.Nov.2004

US Senator 201 Weeks 6 Days (216) (Date to Date)

4.Jan.2005 - 16.Nov.2008

Now Consider:

Twin towers officially open: 4th April 1973

+ 408 Weeks (48)

+ 201 Weeks 6 Days (216)

= 28th January 1981 (Long before Obama's political career began...)

+ 6119 Days (1961)

= 9/11/2001 "Lest we Forget"

+ 4800 Days (48)

= 3rd November 2014

"Official opening of One world trade center tower" Obama's Pyramid Building as new world trade tower... "Tower of Babel"

"Air force One" The Movie: Harrison Ford.

Movie plot: Terrorists, Plane hijacking.
"Trump praises Ford for heroic role in the movie.

1st release California Premiere July 21st 1997

+ 216 Weeks

= 9/11/2001 "Lest We Forget"

End Of Days Movie (Trailer movieman trailers u tube)
999 - 666 - Lucifer.

Movie set in NYC pre 9/11

Premiered California 16th November 1999

+ 666 Days

= 9/11/2001 "Lest We Forget"

September 9/11 2001.

+ 6 Years 6 Months 6 Days (666)

= US Senator Obama Speech "A More Perfect Union" 18th March 2008

President Barack Obama announces death of Osama Bin Laden
May 2nd 2011

+ 4 Months 8 Days (48)

= 10th year anniversary 9/11/2011

Obama reads Psalm 46 "Be still and know that I am God"

Obama leaves the Whitehouse 20th Jan 2017 Trump moves in.

+ 9 Months 11 Days (911)

= 31st Oct - 1st Nov 2017 1st Inaugural Obama Foundation summit.

2nd Obama Foundation summit Nov 18th - 19th 2018

+ 9 Days 11 Months (911)

= 3rd Obama Foundation Summit 28th Oct - 29th Oct 2019

King James Bible:
Isaiah chapter 14. Lucifer Fell as he wanted to set a throne high above Gods the Creator.

Obama announces "Higher Ground Productions" Netflix deal
Monday 21st May 2018

+ 8 Months 4 Days (84)

= American Factory 1st Documentary made released 25th January 2019 Netflix "Higher Ground Productions"

+ 66 Weeks 6 Days (666)

= "Becoming" 3rd Documentary made by "Higher Ground Productions"
released 6th May 2020 Netflix

American Factory "Higher Ground Productions" 1st production being a documentary released 21st USA 21st August 2019 IMDb

+ 666 Days

= Fatherhood Movie IMDb (Kevin Hart)
18th June 2021 Internet USA release

Actor Kevin Hart also in movie "True Story" more predictive programming of Obama life story.

"HGP" brought the rights to this movie did not produce it themselves.
The bible says "Satan is the father of Lies"

+ 2 Months 16 Days (216)

= "Higher Ground Productions" produces its first feature length film called "Worth" based on events concerning "Lest We Forget" 9/11/2001
How much is a 9/11 death worth on paper?

Done to his birth numbers. "The number of his name" as written in Revelation chapter 13, 14 15.

Obama has the audacity to make his first film about 9/11 and release it to his numbers as Lucifer made flesh.

AMERICAN FACTORY HGP 1st Documentary 1st Production
Released USA 21ST August 2019

+ 216 Days

Higher Ground Productions releases 2nd Production - 2nd documentary
25th March 2020 USA Internet IMDb called Crib camp.

Renegade meaning:

"A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles" Traitor, Betrayer, Defector.

King James Bible calls him - Antichrist, Man of Sin, Son of Perdition, The 1st beast, 666 man.

When Obama became President in 2008 his secret service code name given him was "Renegade"

Barack Hussein Obama's Book

"A Promised Land" 17th November 2020

(Not "The" promised land like the biblical account)

+ 9 Days 11 Months (911)

= Renegades book release
26th Oct 2021
Obama and Bruce Springsteen collaboration.

Obamas Renegade Spotify podcast his (1st Podcast)
22nd February 2021

+ 8 Months 4 Days (84)

= Renegades Book Release 26th October 2021

Renegades Podcast Spotify (Last) podcast
5th April 2021

+ 21 Days 6 Months (216)

= Renegades Book release 26th October 2021

"Barack Hussein Obama" is front and center the Villian of the 9/11 story and the New World Order.

Out of the ashes of 9/11/2001 rose the NEW WORLD ORDER
UN 2030 GOALS - WEF "The Great Reset"

To be followed by Gods response "The Great Tribulation" 3.5 Years.
Book of Daniel and Revelation. KJB

2028 - 2031 "Great Tribulation" days I expect.

"Movie Pi Faith In Chaos" 1998

216 the beginning and end of all things.

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