Same terrible story, different day.

2 years ago

Same terrible story, different day. Dyslexic, meant diastolic still low, heart rate fast. Plus brain affected by vapors coming from next door.Then of course after the heart rate and blood pressure instant rise last night came the super libido sex enhancer coupled with the one that raises your heart rate and blood pressure some and causes nausea and profuse sweating. All of which go away if you go outside and get away from it. And whatever they use does dissipate rapidly in the apartment when they turn off the feed. So, say, if you called 911 by the time the ambulance would get here your symptoms would be almost gone and none of the paramedics would be affected, so no one would notice anything out of the ordinary, except you and your behavior. the alcohol. Compounding and intensifying the affects of whatever is being used. Typing fast[for me with 2 fingers], losing sense.

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