#Trumpth 09/06/2022 Joe Biden Created Ten Thousand Million Jobs!

2 years ago

-- Mitch McConnell, one of the worst & most unpopular politicians in the U.S., and the man that gave the Radical Left Democrats Trillions of Dollars for their Green New Deal Fake Infrastructure Bill (9% Infrastructure) without so much as a fight, is spending a fortune of donor’s money (the only way he holds power!) on pushing Left Wing Alaska hater Lisa Murkowski rather than great Republican candidate Kelly Tshibaka - a close race. Murkowski killed ANWR, Voted to Impeach, & against Supreme Court!
--Truth is doing amazing, the most engaged social media platform anywhere on the Internet! And now businesses who want to sell their great products to REAL people—not BOTS!—can buy localized ads on TRUTH via Rumble Ads. Register today to get started:
-- The Fake News Mainstream Media, Democrats, and RINOs are obsessed with pushing the latest Witch Hunt against me.

All American Patriots know that I always do everything “by the book” and that this Hoax will fail miserably just like the Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, Impeachment Hoax # 1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and all other attempts, perpetrated by the same people, to weaponize Law Enforcement against the 45th President, me. We have to rescue our great Country.
Make America Great Again!
--“One Giant Problem with the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid — The FBI would do well to remember it has no constitutional authority except what it borrows from the elected president”
--“FBI agent Timothy Thibault hid intel from whistleblower on Hunter and the ‘Big Guy’ Joe Biden”
--Trump Retruthed an article from Breitbart.com, the title is “Same Russiagate Crew Running FBI Investigation into Mar-a-Lago Documents”
-- “EXCLUSIVE: Arizona Republicans CENSURE Rogue FBI Days After Mar-a-Lago Raid, Call on State Of Arizona to End Cooperation With the FBI”
--“Oversight Project Sues DOJ and National Archives for Communications on Trump Raid”
--“FBI Uses Phony Photo to Try and Frame Trump—Those responsible must be held accountable”
--Gee, isn’t this just too bad!
Just the News
Report: Washington Post to lose money this year as millions of subscribers flee, ad revenue plummets
--Wow! What a great story of the Trump Administration’s success. Where are the Nobel Peace Prizes?
--Electric is fine, but on a large scale, it will never work!
--Karine Jean-Pierre  KJP
The White House Spoke Person Karine Jean-Pierre Said that Joe Biden had created 10 Thousand Million Jobs

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