Tent City Ocean Grove NJ summer of 2022

2 years ago

his is a tent city in Ocean Grove NJ. My hubby took this video.
The history is interesting and I will give you a little. The song when we all get to heaven, Talks about the Pilgrims pathway right here where tent city is. And I believe Martha's Vineyard copied it. Only you dont have to take a ferry to get here!
I am going to include a link here though you can't click on it you can copy and paste it. It tells you the history of tent city. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH7O9vzrlHI&t=1s There is a 10 year waiting list and not anyone can rent there. It dates back to 1870. The "tents' ' are more modern now with kitchens and bathrooms and everything a house would have . They are made tent material and have wooden beams to support them. As you can imagine, this 150-year-old community is tightly knit. Descendants of founding families continue to carry on the tradition by coming back year after year. Plus, the 14 by 21 tents are so close, you can reach out and touch your neighbor! In the evening, tenters sit out on their porches drinking wine, reading, and telling stories. It’s a vacation experience unlike any other.
They run about 10,000 for the summer season.All prospective tenters are interviewed by the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association and placed on a waitlist.
You can’t rent a tent for a week or month; it’s the entire season only.
You can’t sublet your tent, bring pets, or have barbecues.
Air conditioners were once prohibited, but are now allowed.
Ocean Grove is a dry town, however, beer and wine is allowed in cups.
All furniture/decor must be removed from your tent in September.

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