Pygame RPG Tutorial part 8 | Python 2022 | Intro Menu buttons and background image

3 years ago

This is the eighth part of a Python Pygame tutorial where we build an RPG game. In this part we create an intro screen that has buttons.
I recommend watching parts 1-7 of this tutorial to fully grasp what we are creating.
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All code and assets available here:

Download the assets from this tutorial here:

Download the font from here:

pygame,python game,python,pygame tutorial,python programming,python game tutorial,python tutorial,pygame collision,pygame tutorial for beginners,pygame rpg,pygame beginner tutorial,python rpg game,pygame platformer,pygame rpg code,python for beginners,how to make a rpg game in pygame,python snake,pygame rpg tutorial,pygame collision detection,game development,how to make an easy game in python

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