The Nag Hammadi Scriptures – Zostrianos PART 1

2 years ago

The Nag Hammadi Scriptures – Zostrianos
Zostrianos is an account of otherworldly journey of Zostrianos. Composed ~c250AD in Greek. Non-Christian form of Gnostic Sethianism. Graded series of revelations and visions of the transcendental beings encountered. Character of each level he is then assimilated into them. A transcendental baptism, Sethian baptismal rites “Five Seals”. Tradition of ecstatic ascent.
The Five Seals: Are the Realm of the divine Father [Triple-Powered Invisible Spirit]. [Existence, Vitality/Life, Blessedness, Mentality]
Barbelo – Divine Manifestation (Divine Spirit. Virgin First emanation, Aeons). Triple-Male [Christ)
Four personified attributes (foreknowledge, incorruptibility, life eternal, and truth)

The Nag Hammadi Scriptures
Set of early Christianity and Gnostics codices in a jar at the base of the Jabal al-Tarif cliffs, Nag Hammadi in Egypt around C200AD-C400AD.
Originally written in Greek and translated into Coptic.
Book: The Nag Hammadi Scriptures
Marvin W. Meyer (Editor), Elaine H. Pagels (Introduction), James M. Robinson (Contributor)

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