恩典福音是谎言!(finalcall07)The grace gospel is a lie

2 years ago

原视频 https://youtu.be/YjJDJmhOvKs


2011年9月4日 posted by finalcall07(Jan Boshoff)

今天在许多教会广泛传讲的恩典福音, 是来自魔鬼的谎言,亲爱的朋友,如果我们悔改和顺服耶稣,耶稣基督饶恕我们过去的所有的罪。

悔改意味着转离罪、不再犯罪, 顺服耶稣基督。我们必须顺服他,停止犯罪,如果我们继续犯罪,我们一定会下地狱,因为我们会耗尽所有的恩典,就像希伯来书的作者记录在希伯来书10章26节的一样,

因为我们知道了真理以后,若仍然故意犯罪,就再没有赎罪祭了, 只有可怕的审判和烧灭敌对者的烈火等候我们。 (希伯来书 10:26-27 当代译本)


The so called GRACE Gospel, that is preached in many churches today, is a lie from the devil. Dear friends, Jesus Christ forgives all our past sins, if we REPENT and OBEY HIM. Repent means to turn away from sin, not sin anymore, but obey Jesus Christ. But then we've got to obey Him and stop sinning. If we keep on sinning , we will CERTAINLY END UP IN HELL because then we have DEPLETED THE GRACE as the writer of the Hebrews also wrote in Hebrews 10:26 He says: "For if we go on sinning WILLFULLY after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain terrifying expectation of judgment and the FURY of a FIRE that will CONSUME the ADVERSARIES." Dear Friends, without holiness no man shall see God. You need to be pure and holy to come into the presence of God, You need to repent of your sin and live holy, then you can come into the presence of God. No man who SINS has any relationship with Jesus. You cannot have a relationship with Jesus and carry on with sin. You are not saved dear friend, if you have not REPENTED OF SIN and LIVE IN HOLINESS. Only those who are PURE and HOLY can follow Jesus Christ. REPENT my friend, OBEY Jesus Christ, be BAPTIZED IN WATER, ask Him for the HOLY SPIRIT to come and live in you, to guide you into holiness, righteousness and into fruitfulness. Obey Jesus Christ and LIVE dear friend. There is NO GRACE for WILLFULL SINNERS. May Jesus bless you.

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