Living The BrainGAME with Certified Mastering the BrainGAME Coach - Danielle McMahon

2 years ago

Before I entered into this material, I would say life was heavy. I had done a lot of personal development and had made some significant changes about where my life was going, but it still felt like I was slogging through it.

After BrainGAME life is so much lighter, it’s much easier. It’s more joyful. The main thing for me that stood out was understanding how to choose peace, and have the ability to escape the drama triangle. I also noticed that I could have grace with myself for being in it because I just didn’t have that information before.

My dream for the BrainGAME is that people get to choose the way they want to experience life, and for me, I’m the peace girl and the horse girl, so taking it with me will allow you to have that particular experience.

Catch the full episode and learn more about Arlene with the link in my bio or at

To find out if BrainGAME is for you, or to explore becoming a Certified BrainGAME Coach, book a Discovery call with the link in my bio or at

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