The Beginning of Uncle Andrew's Troubles - The Magician's Nephew - Chapter 6

2 years ago

This chapter is when, in my mind, the book really begins to sound like C.S. Lewis. In all of Lewis' work that I've read, he wasn't huge on the idea of world building. Even in his famous space trilogy, where he is quite literally "building worlds," he seems to skip past the heavy background information and get right to his philosophical points (which I like, don't get me wrong).
In the Beginning of The Magician's Nephew, Lewis spends an odd amount of time setting up the villain of his series, The Chronicles of Narnia. In fact, several chapters are devoted, subtly and not so subtly, to giving background to the White Witch.
While he does a spectacular job doing this, it doesn't seem as "rushed to the point" as he usually writes. Lewis takes his time here, in the first few chapters of the first book, to really set the antagonist's tone. In this chapter and the chapters following, he begins to jump back into his familiar, Narnian style.

The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis - Narrated by Benjamin Struck

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