12 Ways To Treat Inflammation Naturally For Pain Relief

2 years ago

Do your joints ache without any physical injury? Are you constipated and bloated frequently? Does your skin break out often? If you are nodding along then chances are you might have chronic inflammation. Inflammation is the cause of many diseases from mild headaches to diabetes, heart attacks, Alzheimer’s, and cancer.

Today's video is going to be a treatment guide to help you reduce inflammation naturally. Does eating salad every day help? What about de-stressing? Do you need to give up coffee? We're discussing all that and more.

Medical Disclaimer: https://pastebin.com/xLmigD6i

#Inflammation #PainRelief #Bestie

Sources: https://pastebin.com/2t70cbu9

Intro - 0:00
What Exactly Is Chronic Inflammation? - 00:32
Anti-Inflammatory Foods - 01:17
Avoid Sugar! - 02:09
Spices - 02:53
Prioritize Quality Sleep - 03:43
Physical Activity - 04:35
Alcohol - 05:14
Green Tea - 05:51
Intermittent Fasting - 06:27
Probiotics - 07:12
Dairy and Gluten-free - 07:51
Artificial Foods - 08:32
De-stress - 09:09


What Exactly Is Chronic Inflammation?
Inflammation is your body's natural response to an irritant. It could be germs, viruses, foreign objects, pollutants, toxins, or an injury.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Nutrition holds the key to managing inflammation. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables can help to lower inflammatory compounds in your body.

Avoid Sugar
Do you fill your shopping cart with soda, cookies, ice cream, cakes, and candies? If yes you need to stop doing that right away.

If you are focused on modifying your diet to get the maximum anti-inflammatory benefits, start adding turmeric, garlic, cumin, cloves, rosemary, pepper, cinnamon, ginger, fenugreek, and coriander seeds to your cooking.

Prioritize Quality Sleep
Are you guilty of indulging a little too much in social media or watching reruns of your favorite shows late at night? Then stop doing it asap. You will not be living to your full potential unless you are well rested for 7 to 9 hours at night.

Physical Activity
Everyone will have different fitness goals. You can hit the weights in your gym if you're looking for a toned body or a better posture.

Are you attending parties and having too much to drink? Then you need to cut back a little. Having alcohol with existing inflammation can worsen the situation.

Green Tea
Ditch your regular cup of espresso and go for this ancient wellness drink. Green tea is a fusion of polyphenols that help to reduce free radicals.

Intermittent Fasting
Have you ever tried it? It might not be easy initially but once you know the benefits you will feel encouraged to extend the fasting hours.

Your gut has a hard time processing all the junk food and sugar-laden beverages. Probiotics can support your gut health and can give your gut a much-needed break.

Dairy And Gluten-Free
Milk and milk products do not cause inflammation on their own. They are nourishing and are a great source of calcium, proteins, and vitamins.

Artificial Foods
Don’t these cupcakes look appetizing? Did you know all those different colors can overload you with toxins? Artificial coloring and flavoring are usually added to make food more appealing.

Is there too much stress hanging over your head? Then try getting rid of the stressors one by one. Try paying your bills early. Plan your day meticulously and get your chores done on time.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

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