اسماك الراي ذات الاحجام الصخمة (اغري) تغزو شواطئ جنوب الداخلة - Stingray invasion

3 years ago

Stingray live in relatively shallow water up to around fifty or sixty metres deep. They prefer sandy, muddy or light shingle seabeds, although they will be found around rocky or reef outcrops if they are surrounded by clean ground. The range of the common stingray extends from the edges of the Baltic Sea, throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea and along the northern coast of Africa. The common stingray can be solitary or found in small groups. Young stingray are unfussy feeders which will eat all manner of small, bottom-dwelling sea creatures such as crabs, marine worms, shellfish and small lobsters. They will rummage around in the sediment of the seabed to dig out creatures to eat and will also scavenge on any dead and rotting fish they find. As the stingray gets older and larger it becomes more of a hunter, preying on both small flatfish and roundfish and moving away from eating crustaceans and invertebrates.

ملتقى الرياس هي قناة تهتم بكل ماله علاقة بصيد السمك في المغرب وخصوصا الصيد بالقصبة. فيدوهاتنا عبارة عن خرجات ورحلات
صيد بالقصبة الى مناطق مختلفة من المغرب وخصوصا مصايد الجنوب المغربي. مرحبا بجميع تعليقاتكم، مقترحاتكم وكذلك نقدكم البناء ونتمنى ان نكون عند حسن ظن جميع متابعينا الاعزاء.

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