A Modern Business Declaration - Empowered by SHERLOC, The Lab Orlando, and The Give Foundation

2 years ago

Join Our #Parallel #Economy Movement @ http://www.YourParallelEconomy.com

Sign our #petition: https://sherloc.me/petition

246 years after the Declaration that would forever change the world, we revisit those sacred words that sparked the birth of a nation that shines as the beacon of freedom with a renewed passion to make clear that the blessings as a result of our founding ideals are properly understood, put to use, and never lost by future generations.

Through a path of apathy, greed, and mismanagement, our governmental and economic systems of operation have created an environment that appears to be rendering aid in order to speed its own demise.
These acts of economic manipulation, destabilization of national strength, and the picking of winners and losers in business through crony capitalism have crippled entrepreneurship and small business, threatening the very fabric that provides 99% of the jobs in our country.

Communities and environments where entrepreneurship is the path to a better life and building generational wealth - are provided endless lip service, but few tangible steps that allow for meaningful results that change lives for the better. As a result, creators and producers are made to struggle, burdened with undue expense and regulation, and provided little of the nuts-and-bolts education and assistance needed to build enterprises that create true, significant, long term generational opportunity.

Instead, tin pot dictators in the public and private sectors conspire to have a few enterprises control the means of product, distribution, and access, forcing others to shut down or be squeezed for their market share. Many of those who trumpet free market economics for everyone are instead focused on eliminating competition, stealing intellectual property, and convincing the masses that they are changing the world for the better.
As the framers and signers of the Declaration of Independence said on July 4, 1776, “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness…” and that “…Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

By duty, we are bound to act where others refuse, and to empower those who desire to do the same - to right the ills that are a clear and present danger to us today. Through our businesses, organizations, and affiliations, we pledge to expand our work with like minds to reverse the ills done to our nation, our economy, and our fellow citizens, through the power of a Nation-State – an environment where like minds and interests can harness their intellectual, social, and economic capital to achieve these ends.

We commit to continue to share the truth, our skills, our knowledge, and our resources to eliminate opportunity deserts in communities by driving entrepreneurship, incubating, and accelerating the principles of generational wealth, properly educating the next generation on our history, and breaking man-made generational curses designed to suppress and oppress.

As did those that came before us, we Declare our Independence from crony capitalist power brokers, their minions, and their despotic systems. For support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we pledge our Lives, Our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

Now is the time act. Join us.

Julianna Ormond, Founder – Sherloc, The Lab Orlando, The Give Foundation
RC Williams, Founder – Sherloc, The Lab Orlando, The Give Foundation

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