Call for harvest hands! (Matthew 9:35-38)

3 years ago

We got to finish our first time in this part of Matthew, and wow! Chapter 9 has been a blast! Healing, healing, and more healing as GOD acts on faith and proves HIMSELF mighty and true to HIS word.

Seeing so many lost, so many prodigal children, like sheep without a shepherd, HIS heart breaks, as should ours.
In a time and place where the world wants to speak hate and anger and slice each other to ribbons, we are not only NOT supposed to act like that, our hearts are supposed to break, seeing the image bearing brothers and sisters we have act as Cain did with Abel. How could it not break out hearts? If we truly love our brothers and sisters, our fellow man, as GOD made us to, then acting the part of a murderer or a mad-person over things and flesh is not only foolish, it's straight up anti-Christ behaviour.

Which will you be? A light shining, image bearing, love centered, beacon of hope in the dark. Or a person filled with hate, anger, rage, depression, fear, and only sharing pain in a world on fire.
Choice is yours. The solution is GOD'S. Go get it from HIM! Cause HE makes all things new through the power of the Blood of The LAMB.

Be washed clean by HIM or remain dirty [Unclean and filled with places of darkness.]

And it's okay to have those places that are a little dark, more places for HIS glory to shine as a Light. You don't have to be prefect, simply live in the same grace and mercy we are all shown daily when we get up every new morning with a chance to praise and push forward, after all, This! Is the day The LORD has made! Let us rejoice and be glad about it!

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