In moments of misery, let us still hope. (Matthew 10; Micah 7)

3 years ago

We'll continue in Matthew 10 tomorrow as well, digging into a bit of the meat of it, but knowing that we are out in the world, called to be shrewd and peaceful, thought it might be good to go to a place where there is misery, trail, struggle, living in a time when evil prospers in the hearts of man and leaders alike. Well.. isn't it good to know that though the "world" may not change, we can and will prosper in those places, it may not look the way we wanted it to at first, but are we praying and asking for GOD to be with us or a genie to make our dreams come true who we can spit at when we don't get what we want? Cause the two are very different wants. One is trust in GOD, the other is complaining that life didn't go your way. [Brutal moment: Tough!] Are you going to let the times life didn't play nice keep your heart in a state of unrest and weariness or will you trust that HE works all things to the good of those who love HIM. (Romans 8:28) Choice is yours, and HE will honour it...

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