3 years ago


The dry spell is over! Rose City Vintage Market heralds the return of major vintage reselling shows in Oregon, filling Portland's Expo Center with a really fine variety of antique and vintage wares...and a couple of us YouTubers are here to sell!

We start in my booth (it's too busy to leave!), where a plethora of freshly acquired mid-century decorative items is the main feature. We have a blast seeing @Laura Caldwell from Left Coast Revivals again (just wait until you see her display!), meet some viewers who share our enthusiasm, and show off jewelry with my friend Stephanie from @Thrifting Adventures.

Then it's time to wander while we can! This is a vintage market, but true antiques are here as well! We pick up a few reseller bargains and show tremendous displays of posters, vintage clothing, MCM designer furniture and a huge array of collectibles...so much that we'll have to show more in the next video!

Here's a little of what we discover in this new antique and vintage festival:

Costume jewelry, Sascha Brastoff, Red Wing for Rumrill, Blenko glass, Italian bottles, Treasure Craft Adagio Dancers, Jere fishing boat, cigar band picture, McCoy Harmony planters, Henry Broderick Space Needle wrench and helmet, Val St. Lambert dresser jar, Limoges fairy lamp, Portland Trail Blazers vs Seattle Sonics program, Juliana bracelets, bakelite jewelry, art deco nudes, mushroom canister set, Milo Baughmann chrome tables, MCM art and psychedelic posters, movie posters, basket chairs, 1950s advertising, vintage bubble lights, books, Vienna Art tray, tavern light, wicker Victorian carriage with parasol, cast iron stove, Skookum ad sign, etc.


☀️ Do you want more info about an item you own? I am a certified appraiser!
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☀️ My book on Treasure Craft Pottery: https://bit.ly/3eAfaZM


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☀️ Send me stuff:

The Antique Nomad
PO Box 33
Dawson Springs, KY 42408


Music from https://filmmusic.io
"Sweeter Vermouth" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Icons made by: https://www.flaticon.com/authors/smashicons


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