Childlike Trust (Matthew 11:25-30)

3 years ago

A bit more testimonial than textual today, perhaps, more so as we didn't really dig into knowing The SON and who HE reveals The FATHER to, all of it pointing to relationship. If you want to know your ABBA, you have to know The Son (JESUS) and without The Son you cannot truly know your Father. The "I know the universe!" thing doesn't really work. Our actions may show that we do or don't follow Good but that is the image bearer in us when we do, not the relationship. I am not the judge of who has a relationship or not; the fruit bears that out. If you are unsure, speak with HIM. The LORD will answer you as you come to HIM in trust that HE will. Trust that HE set it right so you can go to GOD the FATHER by the Blood of The SON.

I know it may not make sense on the surface, but as someone who dug through the religions and faiths that this world has to offer, past and present, I can promise you. This is the only one that makes sense based on all the evidence. Not the religion of it but the relationship there in. If HE is in you and you in HIM, though active relationship, knowing that JESUS is the Son of GOD and only though HIM can you be set free are you free. The rest is wishful thinking... proof is in the pooding.

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