Find Out What Please the Lord (Part 1)

2 years ago

Find Out What Pleases the Lord (Part 1)

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: 1 Samuel 2:12,35 Ephesians 5:8-10
Ver. 10 “…and find out what pleases the Lord.” NIV
1Th 5:5 “You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.”

I want to do some follow up after last week’s service.
When it comes to talking about our enemy the devil and his demons, I don’t like to give much time about him because we are not children of the dark but of the light. If we focus on the dark, we crash. But as we focus on the light, we can navigate though dark places.

But Paul says: 2Cor.2:11 “…for we are not ignorant of his devices.”
So we do need to understand some of how he works.

There are two out of balance ways to deal with this topic.
1. Ignore demonic activity – often where the church in America lives.
2. Become demon focused – a demon behind every negative event.
Demons don’t need more focus and credit than they deserve.

I believe that over various regions and cities there is a demonic entity assigned over that area and it has an agenda. (Mr. 5:10)

Often that agenda opposes the purpose of God for that area.
That agenda against a city has different aspects to it. In other words, it is different depending on the city.

Across our nation, different cities are known for their specific darkness. Greed, murder, witchcraft, drug abuse, etc. - places of specific bondage.

And inside that agenda, the enemy targets certain groups of people.

What does that have to do with us and this area?
It is imperative that our focus in on the heart of the Father, not the strong man over this area.

As we peruse the heart of God, He will direct how to navigate through any darkness and find those fields that are ripe for harvest.
He will direct when and how to tear down the enemy’s territory.

My heart asks questions like: What is God’s purpose for Seeley Lake?
Why has there been no city wide revival in Seeley Lake?
Why are the young adults in our area not serving God?
Why for the last 5-10 years had there been no spiritual influence to High School students?

“God, how do we win our city for Jesus?”
“God what are the needs of our area that You want us to be involved in?”

Pray with me: “God put an ache in our heat to want more of You.
God open our eyes to see You.

Put a fire in my soul, in my heart, make me passionate for Your Heart. Help me know in this season what Your heart longs for.”

September is a transitional month – a season change.
In those times of transitions, I see it vital, critical, essential to re-establish the emphasis of God’s priority for my life.

To make sure I’m not just being religious, but Spirit led.

We want the fire of God, but fire is just a flash moment without the oil of the Spirit to sustain that fire. WE NEED THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!

In 1Sam.2 There was a problem going at church.
1Sam.2:12, 35.

Explain what Eli’s sons wore doing – They were demanding the people give the sacrificial meet before it was cooked that had the fat in it. The fat parts belonged. (13-17)

They demanded the part that belonged to God.
They wanted what belonged to God.
They had all this going on in their lives yet they served as priests.
You can go to church, even serve in leadership without making God your Lord.

Am I doing that with my life? Am I wanting for myself what God says is His?
What am I giving my time and energy to as I live here in SL?

Even if I have a God experience that rocks my world, unless it changes the way I live, it was just a religious experience.

Doesn’t the NT tell us we are the priests of God?
1Pe 2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

Ver.35 What is the cry of God’s heart?
What is the cry of God’s heart for Seeley Lake?
God was longing for His priests to honor Him, to stand before people and represent Him, represent His heart.

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