These Are The REAL Kingpins Of The NARCO World

2 years ago

In today’s video, we’re going to talk about the worst drug dealers around today. Those shrewd and ruthless gangsters who inspire hate and hope, depending on who you are, around the word.

Welcome…to the world of Narcos. What is a Narco?

A narco, short for the Spanish narcotraficante, or drug dealer, is usually described as someone who illegally smuggles large quantities of drugs across borders.

Someone who isn’t afraid to bribe politicians and cops, gun down the competition, and wear suave white suits in Miami penthouses while smoking cigars and talking in vague terms about “kilos” and “shipments”.

Pablo Escobar. He was the bigshot… the leader… the most famous narco in the world, long before the Netflix series that brought his name to a new generation’s lips.

Escobar was Colombian… Part of the Medellin Cartel... And he was ruthless. In many ways we base our entire mental image of narcos on this one guy. Under his leadership, the Medellin Cartel targeted judges, police, and prosecutors.

They resorted to intense violence and intimidation to make sure they could run as many drugs as possible, and nobody could get in their way.
They were run by business. Not ideology. The only principles they cared about were profit and bottom line. And the only goal they were working for was to make more money, and gain more control over the world’s cocaine trade. And business was booming.

Pablo’s brother Roberto confirmed that at the height of his brother’s empire, he would spend more than $2,500 every month just on the rubber bands that held all their ill-gotten drug money together.

What do Narcos do? And what’s narco-terrorism?

So all narcos are just in it for the dough? Well… not exactly.
There are actually three types of narco-terrorism (that’s the legal term for someone who uses violence to further their drug trade).

The first kind was that practiced by the Medellin Cartel under Pablo. No ideology, no message. Drugs are sold for the sake of making money, and violence is used to keep the business going.

Then there’s narco-terrorists that sell narcotics so that they can fund their terrorist activities. Think the Taliban selling heroin so they could use the cash to buy military grade weapons. These guys sell drugs so they can commit more violence. They’re probably the most dangerous of the bunch.

The third and least common type of narco-terrorist is that rare criminal that has an equal interest in both drug trafficking and terrorism.

Who are the main Narcos today?

Who are the biggest narcos around? Where are they, and how much do we know about them?

It turns out that despite everything we’ve mentioned involving the Taliban’s extensive drug trafficking practice and the obviously still large presence of narcos in Mexico and Colombia, the 21st century has seen narcotrafficking break violently onto the global stage.

First of all, you can’t mention modern day narcos without mentioning the king, El Chapo. El Chapo isn’t active anymore but when he was, he was the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel.

What’s the Sinaloa Cartel? It’s what you think of when you think of drug cartels in today’s world.

They control large chunks of Mexico, and they’re still the number one suspect when people talk about dirty politicians, or drug cartels kidnapping and extorting unfortunate tourists that find themselves in the wrong part of town at the wrong time of day when traveling in Central America.

They’re so massive that they even dug drug “super tunnels” under the Tijuana Airport to help them smuggle even larger quantities of cocaine, meth, heroin, and marijuana in and out of the country, although this is made a bit more difficult because Tijuana’s also home to their main rivals, the Tijuana Cartel.

Tse Chi Lop is the man most suspected of being the leader of a crime and drug trafficking syndicate known only as “The Company”, an Asian drug ring so massive it earned Tse Chi Lop the nickname “Asia’s El Chapo”.

The Company is known locally as Sam Gor and it’s so wealthy, sophisticated and disciplined that when international authorities managed to stop The Company’s main drug ships, the ring simply switched to using containers to hide the drugs. This habit of thinking on their feet and pivoting on a dime has served them well.

At one point, Thailand stopped Sam Gor trucks carrying methamphetamines crossing the border between Thailand and Myanmar, and The Company managed to just send future shipments through Laos and Vietnam instead.

That’s how determined they are and more terrifyingly, that’s how far their reach is. Sam Gor is able to get enough politicians, cops, and border crossing guards to do their bidding for them in South East Asia that entire countries become nothing more than alternate routes for their drug trade.

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