Who killed JOHN MCAFEE

2 years ago

Today’s video will talk about a man whose last name is synonymous with anti-virus software but whose controversial life was so much more than that. We’ll discuss McAfee’s life, the possibility that he killed his neighbor in Belize, and the events and legal issues that led up to his death.

Why was John McAfee in prison?

The first thing people point out about the death of John McAfee is how similar it is to what happened to Jeffrey Epstein. John and Jeffrey were both rich, powerful, well-connected men awaiting trial who were found hanging in their prison cells. They were both wanted by the United States government for crimes they committed largely in New York.

Most importantly, they both have wealthy friends and potentially lots of extremely damaging dirt on powerful people who would stop at nothing to protect their public images. And for both men, even though the official cause of death was suicide, the mysterious circumstances surrounding their deaths lead most to think they were actually murdered.

So, why was John McAfee in prison in the first place?

From 2014-to 2018, McAfee didn’t file any income tax returns despite being one of the wealthiest men in the world.

He also advertised cryptocurrencies on Twitter with his bodyguard Jimmy Gale Watson, Jr. According to the Department of Justice and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, McAfee and Watson were “victimizing” their Twitter followers by getting them to buy cryptocurrencies “through false and misleading statements to conceal their true, self-interested motives.”
That’s ridiculous, though. How many billionaires go without paying income tax for more than 4 years? Jeff Bezos barely pays income tax. Neither does Donald Trump or Elon Musk.

McAfee was captured in Barcelona while he was at the airport trying to flee to Turkey. His defense team told the Spanish government that the charges against him were politically motivated, but that didn’t stop them from ordering his extradition to the states.

Hours later… he was dead.

So why would McAfee’s arrest have been politically motivated?
Think about what cryptocurrencies are. They’re part of a movement called “defi”, or decentralized finance.

Bitcoin and other cryptos like it are based on blockchain technology, meaning they completely bypass the need for banks, the Federal Reserve, and anybody who could monitor, control, and most importantly, regulate what kinds of transactions happen between people.

Considering there’s strong evidence that presidents have been assassinated because of their attempts to fight against the banks, the possibility can’t be easily discounted.

When President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act creating the United States’s current central bank and granting it its powers, he famously said, “I am a most unhappy man; unwittingly, I have ruined my country.”

Another clue comes from the fact that a large black Q was posted to his Instagram account after McAfee's death, suggesting that his death might have had something to do with QAnon.

Who killed John McAfee?

So who actually called for the hit on John McAfee?
Nobody knows. But a Spanish investigative journalist and fact-checker claimed that president Biden had ordered the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez to suicide McAfee.

Is it likely that Joe Biden personally ordered John McAfee to be murdered in his Spanish jail cell? Not really. The only person who really suggested it seems to be the one Twitter user, @brunsjpnrmu, that made a claim.
According to famous entrepreneur, coder, and activist Kim Dotcom, John McAfee had reached out to him shortly before his arrest in Spain, asking Kim to help him build an anti-surveillance phone that would be open source and unregulatable by the government.

This anti-surveillance phone would also include the most secure crypto wallet and was designed to “piss the mass spying US govt off”.
So it’s entirely possible that the hit on John McAfee had nothing to do with QAnon and everything to do with his dedication to paving a path for people to completely evade the US government’s ability to micromanage their investments and financial decisions.

John McAfee was no stranger to being in trouble with the law, often for reasons far worse than tax evasion and crypto schemes.

The only difference between the two is that Jeffrey deserved to be in prison. The best-case scenario is that he was arrested for political reasons in terms of John.

Of course, the worse, more sinister option is that John McAfee was arrested specifically so that he’d be trapped in a cell, away from the public or any bodyguards, so it would be easier to get to him and frame his suicide.

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