U.S. National / State Citizen Comprehensive Guide (Non Citizen National)

2 years ago

This video is a comprehensive, beginner's guide to U.S. Nationality, State Citizenship, and how U.S. Citizens are property. Below are timestamps to sections of the video, as well as all the links referenced.

CORRECTIONS: Civil Rights are mistakenly called constitutional rights as they are given by the constitution (14th amendment), but are totally opposite of God-given Rights that are Constitutionally PROTECTED.

The affidavit should say the city and state in which you’re domiciled, not Los Angeles California.

A W-4v can be sent instead of a W-4, but some employers won’t accept it. Fill out numbers 1-3 on the W-4v normally (put the SSN). Leave 5 and 6 blank unless applicable. Check 7.

When filling out a W-4 or W-4v add “Done in Good Faith” at the end of your signature.

For state taxes there are equivalent forms called “Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate” for each state.

When rescinding a ticket you can also include “REFUSED” and “CEASE AND DESIST.”

Extra Documents and Info:

Roger Sayles’ Radio Ranch:
Show Schedule - Monday to Friday 8am to 10am PST
Listen to the Radio Show Live - www.eurofolkradio.com (available on TuneIn)
Join the Radio Show - Search “ppnstudio” on the Jitsi Meet app or go to https://meet.jit.si/ppnstudio
Radio Show Archives - Search Radio Ranch on the Castbox app or go to https://castbox.fm/channel/Radio-Ranc...
Website - www.sovereigntoserf.com
Email - radioranch@mail.com

National USA Telegram Channel:

Certificates of Non Citizen Nationality:

American Samoan Citizenship Case:

Legal Word Games:

Voter Registration Cancellations:

Internal Revenue Code:

Possible Sales Tax Exemption:

Templates (copy the file rather than requesting to edit):

Private License Plates:
Premade (Cars and Motorcycles) - https://shop.freedomfromgovernment.org/
Custom (Cars) - https://www.buildasign.com/license-pl...
Custom (All Kinds of Vehicles) -

James C Lovett:

Social Security Status Correction:

00:00 - Intro
02:09 - History
05:19 - 13th Amendment
06:13 - 14th Amendment
08:11 - Court Rulings
11:10 - Rights
14:10 - Change in Government
17:02 - U.S. Citizens are Property
20:03 - Immigration and Nationality Act
23:11 - How You Agreed
26:55 - Privileges Nationals Don't Have
27:17 - Taxes, Codes, and Mandates
31:40 - UCC 1-308
33:26 - How To
48:09 - Passport
50:43 - Police and Driving
54:15 - Optional Steps
55:15 - Outro

Grabbed from ScrewTube Here:

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