Complete Black Nesting Pads Review

2 years ago

They sent the nesting pads for me to review. While I can see uses for them, I won't be using them in my nesting boxes.

00:00 Company sent me pads to review
00:15 Will they break a broody Silkie??
00:28 Pads are in the boxes
00:53 Stubborn broody blue silkie hen
01:05 Nest pad update
01:55 Review
02:40 Super easy to clean
02:58 What I plan to use the pads for
03:15 Reasons you might use them
03:43 Follow us

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I got sent these nesting box pads by a company. I'll have the link where you can pick them up in the description. But since my silkies are trying to hatch those eggs in their barn, I am going to use those nesting pads for my silkies and see what happens. I have six nesting boxes and six pads.

Okay, I have now put these, and this was a box that came out and I put in all I got six and I have just luckily in my silkie nesting, in my silky cage, coop, cage, whatever you want to call it.

And I will let you know if my girls like it or not. There's one of my broody girls in. I don't know what she's going to do, but I put her in.

This is an update on the nest pet. Here are the nest pads. Now it's not breaking my brody, my broody. They do not like them. And here is an example. I have not had an egg laid in my nest since I did that. Not one. You can see that I try to lay in, but I have found eggs over here.

I found eggs and there I've found eggs out in the middle right here. So they win. I am going to pull those things out and put probably hay or straw because that's what I got. But as you can see, my girls don't like them. Okay, this is the in my review on those black pads. My review is these girls say, fuck that.

So, I mean, if you need something that you can spray off really easy, they're probably pretty good but mine? They have no interest in them. None. So right now, here is where they are setting. They are sitting right here and they will stay there until it quits raining and being nasty. And then I'll clean them off and put them up.

Maybe I can figure out what to do with them, but it won't be putting them under my birds' butts. So the one good thing I can say about these is they are super easy to clean. All you have to do is like shake them off. And then you could probably spray them. So if you had dirty birds, might be a good thing.

Okay. On these nest pads that were sent to me, I did find a use for them, as you can see. Umm, I got really tired of breaking eggs. There was like a week there that every day broke an egg, but my girls don't like them. Umm, if you have non-persnickety hens or you have a need to spray out your nest pads, you're probably going to do great with these.

If you have prissy little spoiled brats like mine, I don't think I would go with this. But it was nice to get them. I can still use them for collecting eggs.

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