Do Animals Have Souls?

2 years ago

It is an interesting question. All that is and that exists is within Source, God or The Divine. With that fundamental principle of all possibility everything within are expressions and a fractal of the infinite spirit. We as human experiencers and every other animate or inanimate form of life possess that infinite light we refer to as the spirit or the soul. There is no separation of lesser form of life when perceived through the wider understanding of consciousness and true nature of existence. We all exude Aura, are pure energy and are aware of ourselves. This is fundamental to all life and cascading principle. There is no difference between humans, a blade of grass or a grain of sand. The question should be, why do we ask this question. The question arises when we are ourselves not connected with our true nature, awareness of the trueness of our own spirit and soul. When we are not in alignment we will perceive anything not of human form or sentience as lesser and not possessing the same capacities or origin. Everything is all possibility and as such is of divine grace and energy.

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