Universal Law

2 years ago

Universal laws govern our lives. The laws within the theatre and those that transcend operate at many levels. Human law governs our daily interactions with each other, other life and the planet. Human law also employs natural law. Natural is our ethical and moral code. Natural law is our conscience. Natural laws are those that reside within and our innate urge to love, nurture, care, give and offer service to others. We are resonating pure love at our center and this is why these natural laws and inherent forces within us exist. The opposite dual nature of life is a creation of misplaced force from our ego and loss of connection. Universal law is transcendent. Universal law governs the fundamental principles of force that creates world, universes and the multiverse. The forces are Intent, Thought, Free Will and Karma. These four forces create form and experience through the use of energy. The Universe is a mass of moving and vibrating energy or waves in Quantum physics. Our transcendental purpose of every life is driven by the four forces of intent, thought, free will and karma. We through intent and thought manifest form and experience. We have an intention and purpose to each life. This is small component of the experience yet the major reason for being. We have free will that determines if we will achieve our purpose or discover it at all. We have free will to feel, believe, think, say and be what we wish. Free will and the ability to traverse each life in alignment with our personal energy allows us to be what we are here to be. Be mindful of supporting anything that undermines free will. Karma is cause and effect. It is not a omnipotent law imposed to punish. It is simply cause and effect of creation transformation and destruction. Everything from a subatomic particle or wave to our lives move forward and create timelines through free will and karma. We will reap what we sow as everything no matter how fleeting an intent, action, word or thought holds infinitely in our Quantum or Akashic field. It is an energetic footprint which we must bring into balance. These principles are key to understanding ourselves and should drive where we place our energy in the physical theatre into which we chose to be. We will create the incarnation to come through the one we are experiencing in the present. This includes the human experience. We will come back to what we leave behind or allow to be created. Look beyond the veil and create what you wish to come back to.

All That We Are available on Amazon.

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Bensound - https://www.bensound.com

Sergey Cheremisinov - https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sergey_Cheremisinov/

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