Manatee Power Animal

2 years ago
Welcome to the world of power animals. I started this website so everyone can learn their power animal. Our power animals can show us the purpose of our lives by revealing our true nature. We gain a natural protection and healing through our connecting with them. Today we’ll look at the manatee.

All three manatee species have pudgy, tapered bodies ending in a flat rounded tail used for propulsion. Their forelimb flippers are used for swimming, bottom walking, and manipulation of food. Manatees are vegetarian foraging on a variety of plants. They’re active during the day and can sleep submerged or while breathing at the water’s surface. Manatees use their sensory hairs for touch reception and communicate by producing underwater sounds.

Despite their large size, manatees are graceful swimmers. They’re mostly freshwater and like to float in warm-water bays and lagoons. They spend their days eating, exploring, and bonding with their pod. The gentle manatee moves at their own speed, going their own leisurely pace. They feel comfortable with a few close friends. Manatees take the slow and steady course with courage and conviction. They teach us to how to be peaceful with ourselves and others.
An easygoing companion, they remind us to take our time, have fun, and enjoy life.

The manatee personifies trust, calmness, and gentleness. Call on them when you want to follow your intuition to better cope with stress. Visit our website to find your power animal and to see how the animals live an innocent and intuitive lifestyle.

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