EZEKIEL Chapter 37:15-28

2 years ago

Ezekiel was to hold the two sticks in one hand
The exiles from the North would be brought back to the land
God would unite His people and they would never again be divided into two nations

Two Stick, Two House Theology
Hebrew Roots Movement
The ten northern tribes were lost to history
They migrated to the British Isles
Anglo Saxons are descendants of the ten tribes
Called British Israelism
If one is a believer in Yeshua then they MUST be part Jewis h

Sacred Name
One must properly pronounce the Sacred Namei n order to be recognized by God
Use of Yahweh rather than Adonai, HaShem, God
Yahshua rather than the Hebraically correct
Christians are pagan because they use Greco Roman names of Jesus and Lor d

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