The Interesting "Ambushed Interrogation" of Dr Poornima-Wagh

2 years ago

Here we go again folks!
Dr Wagh is the only one who tried to inform the world that THERE IS NO SUCH THING called BIO WEAPON, which is impossible since NO VIRUS exists.
Meanwhile, the Jewish crook by the name Prof Jeffery Sachs, who ruined Russia and other countries with his "economic policies" has just made a headline (thru the Talmudic NYT of course)
"The United States secretly manufactured biological weapons in Ukraine. It trained birds to carry pathogens into Russia. It created Covid-19"
And NYT then "blames" it on Russia!
Please read this and decide for yourself, folks
You connect the DOT Folks!
To me, it's all clear: The imagined scary virus must exist at all cost!
Folks, for the records, here is the phone conversation that was recorded by Eric as he rang Dr Poornima Wagh and "ambushed" her with this very interesting "interrogation".

Please, listen to this "ambushed interrogation" careful in its entirety, and do your own analysis and judgement, and then come to your own conclusion.

As for me. I go out on a limb again. I believe this cheerful, intelligent, knowledgeable, and self confident woman, Dr Poornima Wagh.

"Like the anti holohoax denier campaign, this anti "virus denier" campaign bears the same hallmark of the Talmudic force, whose traditional MO is infiltration and accusation!

Anyway, as I said before, if Dr Wagh turned out to be a SHILL, who was sent out to steal and destroy the momentum of the scientific Virus Challenge of the No-virus Team, as some writers such as Bill Huston speculated, she must be a NEW PERFECT BREED of Cass Sunstein SHILL Project!

("Conspiracy Theories" and government infiltration"

A very brilliant SHILL indeed! But still fails no matter how brilliant such shill is! Simply because No-Virus is science based Movement! It’s not a belief system as Germ theory is. The scientific Virus Challenge is SCIENCE! Not a CONSPIRACY THEORY, but a VERY OPEN SCIENTIFIC METHOD designed to prove, not just for science community (Dr Lanka already did that) , but for the whole lay people in the world to see, ONCE AND FOR ALL WHETHER SUCH supposed DEADLY VIRUS REALLY EXISTS. In essence, the scientific Virus Challenge is to prove scientifically and decisively whether the Germ Theory is just a hundreds year CONSPIRACY with the imagined virus or a true FACT of LIFE!

That's said, I still don't think Wagh is such SHILL!

In my assessment, Wagh is a very bright, self-confident, and intelligent person! Especially sharply humorous! The quality you hardly find in crooks and cowards. She must have been formally well educated! One can hide, fake, feign everything but real skills and knowledge!

I wish her all the best, and hope that despite the “Asian dilemma”, She did not and will not sell her soul for a bunch of fiat papers!"

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